ChatGPT said:

In Temple Terrace, Florida, the procedures for recall elections and ballot initiatives are outlined in the city’s charter and the Florida Statutesīˆ„.

Reall Elections:

  • Grounds for Recall: Elected officials may be recalled for reasons such as malfeasance, misfasance, neglect of duty, or incopetenceīˆ„.

  • Petition Requirements:

    • Signatures Needed: īˆƒA recall petition must be signed by at leas 10% of the regitered voters in the cityīˆ„.
    • Filing Deadline: īˆƒThe petition must be filed within 30 day after the alleged grounds for recall occurīˆ„
  • Election Process:

    • īˆƒUpon receiving a valid petition, the City Councilschedules a recall electionīˆ„. īˆƒIf the majority votes in favor of recall, the official is removed, and a successor is appointed or elected as per the charterīˆ„.

Ballot Initiatives:

  • **Process Overview:**īˆƒCitizens can proposeordinances or charter amendments through ballot initiativesīˆ„.

  • *Pettion Requirements:

    • Signatures Needed: īˆƒFor an initiative to be placed on the ballot, a petition must gatherīˆ€summayīˆ‚Tmple Terrace Code of Ordinancesīˆ‚turn0fetch0īˆ‚chapter on charterīˆ In Temple Terrace, Florida, īˆƒthep

rocedures for recall elections and ballot initiatives are outlined in the city’s charter and the Florida Statutesīˆ„.

Recall Elections:

  • Initiation: īˆƒA recall petition can be initiated by any qualified elector of the cityīˆ„.

  • Signature Requirement: īˆƒThe petition must be signed by at least 10% of the registered voters who voted in the last general electionīˆ„.

  • Procedure: īˆƒUpon verification of the signatures, the City Council is required to schedule a recall electionīˆ„.

Ballot Initiatives:

  • Initiation: īˆƒCitizens may propose ordinances or charter amendments through ballot initiativesīˆ„.

  • Signature Requirement: īˆƒFor ordinances, the petition must be signed by at least 10% of the registered voters who voted in the last general election. For charter amendments, the requirement is **20%**īˆ„.

  • Submission: īˆƒThe completed petition is submitted to the City Clerk for verificationīˆ„.

  • Election: īˆƒIf the petition is verified, the proposed measure is placed on the ballot for the next general electionīˆ„.

īˆƒFor detailed information and specific procedures, refer to the Temple Terrace Code of Ordinancesīˆ„.

You said:
how many registerd voters are we talking about>?
ChatGPT said:
Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections

To determine the number of registered voters in Temple Terrace, Florida, and understand the thresholds for recall and ballot initiative petitions, consider the following:

Population and Voter Registration:

  • According to the 2020 U.S. Census, Temple Terrace has a population of approximately 26,690 residents.

  • While specific data on the number of registered voters in Temple Terrace is not readily available, Florida’s voter registration statistics are maintained by county. Temple Terrace is located in Hillsborough County. For precise figures, you can consult the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections.

Recall Petitions:

  • In Florida, the number of signatures required for a recall petition depends on the number of registered voters in the jurisdiction:

    • Jurisdictions with 25,000 or more registered voters: The petition must be signed by at least 1,000 voters or 5% of the registered voters, whichever is greater.
  • If Temple Terrace has 25,000 or more registered voters, a recall petition would require at least 1,000 signatures.

Ballot Initiatives:

  • For a ballot initiative to propose a new ordinance or charter amendment:

    • Ordinances: The petition must be signed by at least 10% of the registered voters who voted in the last general election.

    • Charter Amendments: The petition must be signed by at least 20% of the registered voters who voted in the last general election.

Next Steps:

Understanding these figures will help determine the specific number of signatures required for recall petitions and ballot initiatives in Temple Terrace.

If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.

You said:
So less then 5,000 registered voters reign over temple t?
ChatGPT said:

To determine the number of registered voters in Temple Terrace, Florida, and understand the thresholds for recall and ballot initiative petitions, consider the following:

Population and Voter Registration:

  • According to the 2020 U.S. Census, Temple Terrace has a population of approximately 26,690 residents.

  • While specific data on the number of registered voters in Temple Terrace is not readily available, the Florida Division of Elections provides detailed voter registration statistics by county. Temple Terrace is located in Hillsborough County. As of September 30, 2024, Hillsborough County has 851,299 registered voters.

  • To obtain precise figures for Temple Terrace, you can contact the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections.īˆ„

Recall Petitions

  • īˆƒIn Florida, the requrements for a recall petition are as follows:īˆ„

    • īˆƒJurisdictios with25,000 or more registered voters: The petition must be signed by at least 1,000 voters or 5% ofTo determine the number of registered voters in Temple Terrace, Flrida and understand the thresholds for recall and ballot initiative petitions, consider the following:

Population andVoter Registration:

  • īˆƒAccrding to the 2020 U.S. Census, Temple Terrace has a population of approxmately26,690 residents.īˆ„ īˆ€citeīˆ‚turn0search19īˆ

  • īˆƒWhile specific data on the number of registered voters in Temple Terrace is not readly avalable, the Florida Division of Elections provides detailed voter registration statistics by county.īˆ„ īˆƒTemple Terrace is located in Hillsorough County.īˆ„ īˆƒAs o September 30, 2024, Hillsborough County has 851,299 registered voters.īˆ„ īˆ€citeīˆ‚turn0search1īˆ

  • īˆƒTo obtain the exact number ofregistred voters in Temple Terrace, you can contact the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Electionsīˆ„

Rcall Petitions:

  • īˆƒIn loida, the requirements for a recall petition are as follows:īˆ„

    • īˆƒJurisdictions with 25,000 or more registered voters: The petition must be signed b at least 1,000 voters or 5% of the registered voters, whichever is grea


  • īˆƒIf Temple Terrace has fewer than 25,000 registered voters, the requirement would be 5% of the registered voters.īˆ„

Ballot Initiatives:

  • īˆƒFor a ballot initiative to propose a new ordinance or charter amendment:īˆ„

    • īˆƒOrdinances: The petition must be signed by at least 10% of the registered voters who voted in the last general election.īˆ„

    • īˆƒCharter Amendments: The petition must be signed by at least 20% of the registered voters who voted in the last general election.īˆ„

Next Steps:

  • īˆƒContact the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections to obtain the exact number of registered voters in Temple Terrace.īˆ„

īˆƒUnderstanding these figures will help determine the specific number of signatures required for recall petitions and ballot initiatives in Temple Terrace.īˆ„

If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.
